Home Tech Websites Jetpack WordPress Plugin Review: Everything You Need To Know

Jetpack WordPress Plugin Review: Everything You Need To Know

If you own a blog or planning to open one that is or will be hosted by WordPress then you’ll need to know about jetpack. This is a must-have tool for your blog that focuses on three key things; Security, Performance and Marketing. It helps keep your website secure with real-time backups that backups every little change you make on your website. This means that anytime your website experiences downtime or crashes, it only takes a click to bring everything back.

Asides from that, it also comes with malware scanning capabilities which can help your scan and detect for malware thereby staying one step ahead of security threats. With this plugin on your website, you don’t need to worry about spam comments and forms as it also blocks both automatically, leaving the comment section of your blog/website free of spam comments.

Jetpack Performance

In terms of performance, jetpack boost the overall speed of the website which means fast page loading times and image preview, all thanks to their ever-ready global servers which work around the clock to keep things going as fast and as smooth as possible. What this means for your website is that your readers get to experience short load times when moving from one page to another on your website, which in turn leads to happier viewers, more page views, and if you’re running a store, more sales.


It also makes customising your website a breeze as it doesn’t show you any code which might be quite difficult to underneath if you’re not a web developer. The heavy lifting has already been done for you by jetpack, making the whole customisation process a simple task for basically anybody without having to mess with any code.

Analytics (Site Stats)

The plugin also provides you with analytics about your website to better understand your audience and also to help make your marketing more effective. On top of all these, you’ll be surprised to know that this is a freemium plugin which means that it is basically free to use, just like most WordPress’s plugins.

Jetpack Premium Price

However, paying for the premium, which it has, gets you some features that aren’t on the free version. Furthermore, there are various levels to the premium as paying a little bit more gets you more features and paying more than that gets you even more features. Alternatively, you can just pick the particular feature you want out of the bunch and pay for just that if you don’t want the other packages they have.

Should You Use Jetpack On A New Site?

So if you are planning to start a blog/website or you already own one hosted by WordPress, you’ll definitely need to check out the jetpack plugin as it is a must-have and arguably the best at what it does. Don’t have cash for the premium? You can always start with the free version and upgrade if and when you like it.

Issues With Premium

Also, If for whatever reason, you still aren’t satisfied with their premium offering, they said they will issue a full refund within 30days of purchase with no questions asked. That’s a show of good faith and a sign that they do believe in the quality of service they offer.

More information

Simply head over to their website (jetpack.com) to know more about the services they offer as well as their pricing for their different packages. Also, feel free to ask us anything you want in the comment section down below.



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