Home Tech How Tos How to Make Money on WhatsApp: The Hidden Secrets

How to Make Money on WhatsApp: The Hidden Secrets

Most of us don’t know that it’s possible to make money on WhatsApp, though we use WhatsApp every day. Making money on WhatsApp might seem like a hoax to many. In this article, we will be showing you different ways through which your use of WhatsApp can be a source of income to you. Don’t sweat it, it’s quite easy. Let’s get started.

Make Money On WhatsApp Using URL shortening Services

URL Shortening Service is a straightforward approach if you want to make money from WhatsApp. There are various types of paid URL Shortening Service Available on Internet like Shorte.st, adf.ly and so forth. Google search for whichever one you’d prefer, that pay the most per click.

When you’ve decided which URL shortening service you want to use, simply visit the website and register. Then you look for some viral content or news on the web that will captivate your WhatsApp contacts. Copy the link, then head to the URL shortening service you registered with and paste the link, you’ll get a shortened version of the link. Copy this link, add a captivating caption to it and share with your WhatsApp contacts. For each click from them, the URL shortening service pays you certain amount of money.

Affiliate Marketing

Through Affiliate marketing causes you can also make money on WhatsApp. So first, lets know what affiliate marketing is before we proceed. It’s simple a system that allows you promote other people’s product or service using a unique link and you get certain commission when a purchase is made via your link.

There are a lot of places to start affiliate marketing. You can check Amazon or ClickBank, then go ahead and register. Then go through the list of products, select products that have good turn over and the ones you know your WhatsApp contacts might be interested in.  For each product you select, you’ll be given a unique URL containing your referral ID. Your referral ID is the code the website uses to know that a visitor came from you.

Once, you have the link, compose a nice description for the product to wow your audience and place your referral link somewhere in the text, most probably at the bottom. Now you can share with your WhatsApp contacts and WhatsApp groups. Ensure it’s not against group rules to post links, so your post is not categorized as spam.

When anyone clicks your link and makes a purchase, the affiliate website will credit you certain commission. This is kinda what we talked about when we showed you, how you earn some cash on Facebook and make some money on Instagram.

Paid Per Download (PTD)

PPD represents pay per download. Fundamentally, according to PPD method is simple this: you will be paid if your uploaded documents are downloaded by users. An example of such website is openload.com and file-up.org

Come up with something interesting, maybe a photo of your toddler trying to walk, some interesting music or MOD version of a popular game like FIFA 19, then upload on the website. A unique download URL will be generated which will already contain your unique ID.

Now, go share these links with your WhatsApp friends. Whenever your uploaded files are downloaded from the link, you are paid for that. For each download, you get some money.


So far, I have shared all of you the tricks which will help you make money on WhatsApp without much stress. Kindly note that a lot of people don’t like spam messages. So, share links with your friends only and groups that permit link sharing.



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